Reiki Healing Beginner Level 1 & 2 Workshop – 18, 19 Jan 2020

The power of Reiki is to be experienced by everyone. It is a soothing energy work that facilitates healing and relieves stress on many levels - emotional, physical and psychological, and spiritual. The journey in the world of energy healing puts power to heal yourself and your loved ones in your hands. Learn Reiki Healing... Continue Reading →

Reiki Workshop Level 1 & 2 in Chennai – 15th and 16th September, 2012

Reiki Level 1 and 2 Workshop is being conducted in Chennai on this 15th and 16th of September (Saturday and Sunday). Reiki is a Japanese form of Alternative Healing System where the Reiki Healer channelizes healing energies into the client to heal an assortment of issues. Reiki also promotes general and spiritual well-being of a... Continue Reading →

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