
All the posts and articles are written by me (Kiran) or Geetha are from our personal observations and experiences in healing ourselves and/or working with clients. This means that the techniques described in the posts have to be applied in your personal lives to check their efficacy in healing your problems. Some may work for you, some may not depending on what your problem is and how you approach healing. The same goes for various articles about mental patterns and mind management. Take the techniques and make them yours. See if they work for you. If not, then simply discard them and try other methods or consult a therapist personally. Some techniques in mind management can be very powerful long-term self help tools for you. Try them out, there are no negative side effects in learning to be aware of your thought patterns. Awareness is the key and the first step towards progress.

Also please do not keep trying out new methods if your problem is severe and you find self-help is not working. Consult a qualified therapist first. You may need personalized help. Try out a few therapists, talk to them, read their blogs and articles if that’ll help you decide if they are the right fit for you. Trust yourself, trust that you’ll get better, and trust that circumstances will change, then change will take place!

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