Eclipses – The Spiritual Significance by Anoo

This is a guest post by a dear friend and an intuitive healer Anoo at Breakthrough Holistic Therapy Center. Anoo is a Hypnotherapist and a Reiki Healer with additional specializations in NLP, EFT, Shadow Work, Matrix Reimprinting, Gestalt Therapy and Chakra Healing. You can get in touch with her at After listening to her perspective on eclipses... Continue Reading →

Reiki Healing in Hyderabad

Purple Room Healing is now in Hyderabad with Reiki Healing and Reiki Workshops only. Currently our services include: Reiki Healing for Physical Diseases like Diabetes, Allergies, Blood Pressure, Joint or Body Pains, Migraine Headaches, Asthma, Arthritis, Spondylitis, Stress Relief, etc. Emotional and Relationship Issues Spirit/Energy Attachments For Appointment and other queries contact: Geetha Pallavi Reiki Master -... Continue Reading →

Hypnotherapy Treatment for Hair Fall

One of the best uses of Hypnotherapy lies in using it to improve health and performance through positive affirmations, visualization and Self Hypnosis. Hypnotherapy and positive affirmations can fetch great results for physical health and well-being. One such great application is use of positive visualization in controlling hair fall or even promoting hair growth. One... Continue Reading →

Personalized Reiki Healing Workshop – 29, 30 Dec 2012

Successfully end this year by becoming a Reiki Healer. Set your own spiritual path by learning this self healing technique. A personalized Reiki Healing Level 1 and 2 Workshop is being conducted at our premises in Besant Nagar (Near Adyar), Chennai on this 29th and 30th of December, 2012 (Saturday and Sunday). Personalized workshop means... Continue Reading →

2012, the year of freewill and choice!

2011 whizzed past us but not without teaching us significant lessons for our evolution. This year we are into a different belt of learning altogether. With the commencement 2012, the energies shifted subtly from trust to freewill. We are back at the helm of our lives and we are absolutely free to steer us where we will. It is a year of paradigm shift but that shift is not collective.

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