Cord Cutting – Introduction, Benefits and Detailed Procedure for Self Healing

A brief about Energetic Cords.

Cord Cutting can help improve relationships
Cord Cutting can help improve relationships

When people are in any kind of a relationship they start bonding to each other through energetic cords. Think of them as tubes of various sorts connecting one another. There are basically two kinds of cords. Soul level cords – these are cords of love and they cannot be cut. These are soul level connections which share just love between each other. They do not harm the person. The second kind of cords are personality or karmic cords – these are cords that can exert unnecessary influence on each other. They are formed willingly albeit subconsciously. They are formed out of repeated behaviour by the people in relationship or through one major emotional event. For instance, a mother who routinely blames a son for not being good to her and the son allowing those accusations to feed his guilt, forms a cord and the mother could (consciously or unconsciously) use it to manipulate her son. They are also called Karmic cords because they can indicate karmic debts coming from the past.

Each person can have any number of such cords in one relationship itself. Even with the relationship continuing, it is essential to cut these cords because they will make the relationship healthier. It is all the more important that cord cutting is done when the relationship ends.

Benefits of Cord Cutting

  • Cord cutting improves any relationship. It clears up unhealthy habits between people and helps them form healthier habits in the relationship.
  • Cord cutting can be done to improve any relationship – parent child, life partners, lovers, past relationships, ex boyfriend girlfriends, friends, sibling, boss subordinate, colleagues, classmates, teacher student, and any other relationships.
  • It heals you tremendously. You find a huge relief from the emotions you’ve been carrying because of the relationship.
  • You release a lot of pent up negative emotions that you have been suppressing and carrying around for sometime. Some times, it also releases emotions held up over years.

    Fears and Blocks created by past breakups may be cleared with cord cutting.
    Fears and Blocks created by past breakups may be cleared with cord cutting.
  • It clears blocks in relationship issue, especially in your love life. When single people go through many relationship issues in the past they form unconscious blocks and fears about life partners in their life and they start acting out of these fears from the past. This tends to ruin any good future relationship they can potentially form.
  • It helps you identify hidden motivations in relationships both within self and in others.
  • Cord cutting gives you the ‘breathing space’ you need. Your behaviour is no longer automatic or compulsive. You will find that you can now change your behaviour easily.

Procedure for Cord Cutting:

It takes about 20-30 min sometimes, so make sure nobody disturbs you for so long. Don’t do this after dark.

Step1 – Relaxation and Creating inner awareness.

  • Sit or lie down in some quiet place. Focus on your natural breathing.
  • Now slowly start deep breathing with your focus on your lower lungs and abdomen. Take ten deep breaths.
  • Follow that by 15 short rapid breaths. These breaths are quick, shallow, and without pause.
  • Observe the breathing come back to normal breathing.

Step 2 – Activating subconscious and Shielding

  • Now visualize yourself in a serene, beautiful garden. Make sure the garden has a water body in it like a lake, fountain, stream, beach, or a waterfall.

    Visualize the garden or landscape as vividly as you can!
    Visualize the garden or landscape as vividly as you can!
  • Take time to create the garden completely in your visualization. See the blue sky, trees, birds, flowers, fruits, grass – just take time to ‘feel’ the place.
  • Now imagine sitting in a calm space in the garden.
  • Imagine a bright beautiful golden yellow or white light in the sky directly above you coming down, and touching the top of your head.
  • Let the light enter your body through the top of your head and fill your entire body till the tip of your toes with this bright, beautiful, vibrant, tingling light.
  • See the light expanding into a bubble of protection all around you including under you.

Step 3 – Locating the ‘Feeling Centers’

  • Now call the person you want to cut cords with into the garden. See the person clearly coming into the garden and standing before you.enery release
  • Notice your first feelings about her/him – all of them – both negative as well as positive.
  • Now observe where each of these feelings is beginning in your body. (Ask yourself ‘If this feeling was stored in my body physically, where would it be?’)
  • You will find that each feeling has a place in your body (like, for instance, hurt stored in your heart center, etc)
  • Give each feeling a color and a shape – whatever you feel like. (you can ask ‘If this feeling had a color and a shape what would it be like?’)
  • For instance, you may see hurt as dirty green ball in your heart center, you may see anger as a red monster attached to you at solar plexus, or you may notice helplessness as blobs of  yellow on your hand – these are just examples. You can give any color and shape you feel like. Sometimes the moment you trace the feeling to place in the body you may instantly perceive it as some object or being.

Step 4 – Scanning and Locating Cords

  • Now visualize the other person also also in a beam of their own light from the sky and with their own bubble of protection.
  • Start ‘scanning’ the person from top of his/her head. Your intention is to look for personality or karmic cords of energies that connect both of you.
  • You may ‘see’ or ‘feel’ these cords.

    Scan for all cords extending between you both.
    Scan for all cords extending between you both.
  • When you see the first cord, make a note of where on his/her body is the cord beginning, follow that cord to see where in your body the cord is penetrating.
  • Now take time to notice the details of the cord – its thickness, what does it look like, is it brittle or flexible, all the details that strike you.
  • Now see if the energy flow in the cord is one way or both ways – that is, is this cord feeding energy from one person to another only, or is this cord used by both to cross feed each other.
  • You may remember some past events when you are doing this, you may find certain emotions coming up sometimes. If that happens, just make a note of it.
  • Continue scanning.
  • Locate all cords between you and the other person.
  • You may notice many cords are end or begin at ‘feeling centers’ that you located earlier.

Step 5 – Cutting Cords

  • Once you have located all cords between you and the other person, you proceed with energy negotiation and cord cutting.
  • Move to the first cord you found.

    Some relationship cords could be restricting our behavior.
    Some relationship cords could be restricting our behavior.
  • If the energy is coming from her/him to you, ask yourself if you still feel a need to accept that energy or emotion from her/him. Only when your answer is a firm no can you really cut the cord. Otherwise, it means you are not yet ready to cut the cords. Even if you attempt it, in such a case, the cord will reconnect itself back.
  • When the answer is a firm no, you should see the flow of energy coming from her/him through the cord stopping immediately.
  • Now tell her/him that she/he needs to stop sending that energy to you. Tell her/him that your karma to accept those energies is complete and any energy she/he continues to send, if it bounces back to her/him, then it is of no karmic consequence to you since you have no intention of affecting her/him. It is her/him own doing.
  • If the energy is going outwards from you, ask yourself what emotion or influence from you is feeding that person. You will instantly get an answer. You may again remember an event of the past or a particular emotion coming up strongly within.
  • Ask yourself, if you are ready to let go of the need to influence the other person with these energies of yours. The answer should be no again. If the answer is yes or if you feel hesitant, look back at the suffering you are undergoing for still being connected to her/him. This can convince you to let go.
  • Once again, when you answer with a firm no, you will see the energy flow from you to the other person stopping instantly.
  • If the energy flow is two way, then you will naturally do all the above steps.
  • Only when you see the energy flow stopping, will you proceed to cut the cords.
  • There are a few ways to cut the cords. You should choose whichever feels right for each cord. I am listing couple of methods here. You may intuitively feel other creative ways to remove the cord connection.

Method 1:

  • You can request a sword or shears (large garden scissors!) made of light to cut the cords. You will find the requested tool coming to you from the light above.
  • Use it to cut the cord as close to your body as possible.
  • Now request for a ball of light and you will find a small ball (about the size of an apple) coming from the light above.
  • Rub that ball at the place on your body where you have cut the cord.
  • Notice this light sealing off the ‘hole’ left behind on your body after cutting the cord.
  • Proceed to do the same steps with the other person in cutting the same cord. So you will cut that cord from the other end by the same procedure above.
  • Yes, you need to cut the cord from the other person’s end too no matter how much you dislike the other person. You do this because the cord that is cut needs to be destroyed.
  • If the other person feels the need for the same cord, they will form another with somebody else but not you.
  • This also helps you get rid of cords of resentment easily. For anger and resentment are also means of attachments.
  • Cleanse and seal their body with the ball of light.
  • Destroy the cord by burning it. See the smoke and ashes pulled up into the sky through a third beam of light. This is not the beams of light that is on your or on her.
  • Proceed to cut all the remaining cords similarly.

Method 2:

  • Here you uproot the cord out of the body instead of cutting it. That’s the only difference.
  • This is done if you feel any particular cord has ‘grown into you’ and has roots within.
  • Hold the cord with both the hands as close to the body as you can.
  • Visualize white light forming around the roots of the cords within so they help to ‘slide the roots out’.
  • Pull the cord out of the body slowly.
  • Notice the roots sliding out gently. Pull until the cord is uprooted completely.
  • If any roots are broken and left within the body, request the light above you to dissolve the root completely and flush it out of your either into the ground below or by sucking it up into the light.
  • Follow the cleansing and sealing with the ball of light as described in Method 1 above.
  • Do the same for the other person.
  • Destroy the cord by burning it. See the smoke and ashes pulled up into the sky through a third beam of light. This is not the beams of light that is on your or on her.
  • Proceed to cut all the remaining cords similarly.

Step 6 – Finding Hidden Cords

  • When people send psychic energies out of, conscious or unconscious, malevolent intent or a desperate need to cling, such cords may not show up in the regular scan.

    Visualize a special violet light coming down upon you from the sky.
    Visualize a special violet light coming down upon you from the sky.
  • Just to make sure there are no such hidden cords, visualize a beam of violet light falling in between you and other person you want to cut cords with.
  • Visualize this light expanding outwards towards you on one side, and him/her on the other until finally you both are under this huge beam of violet light.
  • Any hidden cords will instantly show up in this violet light.
  • Go ahead and follow the usual procedure to identify, describe, stop the energy flows, and cut these cords too.

Step 7 – Healing ‘Feeling Centers’ and Leftover Energies

  • This is an important step. You will be healing the ‘Feeling Centers’ that you located earlier as well as any energy you may have already absorbed through the cords into you before they were cut. As I said, many cords would enter your body at the ‘feeling centers’.

    You may see the energy dissolving into smoke and being sucked up into the light.
    You may see the energy dissolving into smoke and being sucked up into the light.
  • After you cut the cords, go back to the place where the first cord was and ask yourself if any energies that you may have absorbed (through the cord before it was cut) is still within you.
  • If there are any left, give those energies a colour and shape just like you did for the ‘feeling centers’ earlier. You are creating a visual form for the energies. Sometimes you may intuitively feel the form readily.
  • Ask the light above to dissolve this energy and cleanse it out of you.
  • You may notice the light dissolving the energy into smoke and sucking it up into the sky.
  • Continue healing all the leftover energies for all the cords you cut.
  • Now go to the remaining ‘feeling centers’ and do the same.
  • If you find it difficult to heal any remaining ‘feeling centers’, then it means you still want to hold on to that emotion you feel there. Try to see various viewpoints as to why it is good for you to let go of that emotion. Only when your intention to let go is firm, can you fully heal.

Step 7 – Final Shielding

  • Ask the other person you cut cords with to go away and live his/her life peacefully. See him/her leave the garden.
  • Connect fully with the light above. See it flowing into you through the top of your head. Absorb the light fully into your every pore and aspect of being.

    Visualize a white light from above entering you through the top of your head.
    Visualize a white light from above entering you through the top of your head.
  • Request the light to do a final clean up to remove all leftover fragments and pieces of energies which may have been overlooked or left behind.
  • Request the light to ‘fill up’ all the empty spaces where the ‘feeling center’ energies or leftover energies had been.
  • Feel the energy of the light filling your whole being. You may get a tingling sensation while this happens.
  • Now visualize this light expanding around you again into a ball of powerful shielding. It should expand at least three feet away from you in all directions including under you.
  • Spend about a minute of awareness on this beautiful and peaceful ball of light.
  • Take a deep breath. Open your eyes.

Exercise to follow post Cord Cutting

  • Do this exercise the next 21 days after the cord cutting is done.
  • Visualizing a ball of light around you at least three times a day. Those visualizations need not be as strong as they were when you did the cord cutting meditation. But nevertheless, just do it. This will strengthen your aura and increase your protection.

Important Notes:

  • Sometimes we notice people you cut cords with suddenly try to contact you within 48 hours of cord cutting. Even people who you have had lost touch with too. If such a thing happens in the next 48 hours after cord cutting, keep away from showing any sympathy or empathy towards the person or his/her plight. It is sometimes seen that the person you cut cords with will feel a ‘pull’ to connect back those cords and they try that, unconsciously of course, through appealing to the emotions of the person who cut the cords.
  • Forming new cords is as easy as cutting cords. Cord cutting clears up negative energy within. But it is now up to you to replace that space with positive thoughts, and behaviour patterns. Otherwise cords reform easily.
  • What it means is that after cord cutting, your behaviour in that relationship is no longer programmed, or out of control, or habitual. You have control over your responses and you must choose a positive response now to replace the old one.
  • Examine your needs which made gave you the fears and unhealthy behaviour in the first place. Every relationship is based out of a need to fulfil some internal lack. That lack is always related to self-image. Ask yourself what impulses or lacks motivated you to seek such unhealthy relationship or behaviour in the past. Start working that lack instead of seeking to fulfil from outside.

We hope this article will come in useful on your self-healing journey. You can always find this article from our archives by clicking on the ‘Self Help’ tag or category.


Purple Room Healing

Suggested Readings:

How much time do you spend for your mental health?

Eternal Human Conflict: What should be and what is?

House Cleansing: Balancing the energies of your space

Photo Courtesy by

“Sister And Brother Friendship” by artur84
“Couple In Love Having Break Up” by smarnad
“Deep Forest Waterfall” by pat138241
“Hand” by Salvatore Vuono
“Tug Of War Between Two Girls” by meepoohfoto
“Tied Hand” by Danilo Rizzuti
“Violet” by zirconicusso
“Abstract Smoke” by Worakit Sirijinda
“Stars Are Falling On The Background Of Blue Luminous Rays” by SOMMAI

2 thoughts on “Cord Cutting – Introduction, Benefits and Detailed Procedure for Self Healing

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  1. Thank you very much for this beautiful article on cord cutting. Should we do the cord cutting procedure even when we want to keep the relationship but cleanse the negetive experiences occurred in the past.

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