Compulsive Overeating: An Addiction!

Typically, a food addict will usually eat when he is not hungry and they go beyond the point of being full. Compulsive eating bouts are most usually followed by bouts of guilt, frustration and depression. Compulsive overeaters are often addicts just like any smoker, drinker or a drug addict. Their substance of addiction may be different but the ill-effects of the addiction are as worse as any other substance abuse. Overeating can lead to many complications beginning from obesity to heart troubles. And the mental troubles are ten-fold. Apart from the guilt that wrecks the person, overeaters will usually carry a lot of emotional hurt and an excess of low self esteem.

So what causes overeating? Medical conditions apart, some overeaters, like any other addicts, operate out of a void and this they seek to fill with eating whenever possible. In other cases, overeaters can be wrapping themselves  in layers of fat to ‘insulate’ themselves from emotional hurts and other traumatic events. The roots of these lay in the past – usually childhood. What begins initially as eating whenever they are idle, the habit soon changes into gorging themselves when they are upset. And some also eat when they are tensed.

Compulsive overeating can be very effectively dealt with Hypnotherapy. The therapy is very similar to the treatment used for any other addiction when the client is found to be operating out of void. In case of the roots being in traumatic events in the past, classic regression methods are very effective.

It may take anywhere between 3 and 10 sessions to treat compulsive overeating. However, it has to be understood that the client would not become physically slender by the end of the therapy. The treatment is for compulsive overeating and to lose weight the client would have to undertake regular exercises and other natural means to lose weight. But, yes, the suggestions would be given to the subconscious to let go of the extra layers of fat.

4 thoughts on “Compulsive Overeating: An Addiction!

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  1. Hi
    Your comments about COE, sound straight from the text-book. Very clinical. To generalize and say that “Compulsive Overeating can be dealt with effectively with Hypnotherapy ” is such a generalization…and much too pat. But then, I see you are in the business. I suggest, that COE may be dealt with with hypnotherapy–and may not. It is not quite as simple as you write. Wish it were.

    1. Hi,
      I would not agree with your statement that hypnotherapy may or may not deal with COE. Hypnotherapy not only effectively resolves the addiction of overeating but also resolves the void behind it. This ensures that the addict would not simply change his addiction to something else. Perhaps I should substantiate with a case study of mine. Will do it soon.

      I also noticed you said it is not quite as simple as I write. What makes you say that?

      1. Hiya
        I say that hypnotherapy may or may not work–because nothing cures EVERYTHING no matter what. Individuals are just that–individual–and to say that HTherapy will work 100% of the time, would be misleading and erroneous. It probably works some of the time, for some people. Other people ( those who cant be hypnotized for example) might have to look for other forms of therapy.
        Why would Htherapy resolve the void behind the eating addiction?? Nothing is being Resolved…no internal work has been done…no enlightenment has been gained…I am sure that you can give me lots of cases where Htherapy worked, and I am sure there are many times it has not worked in the long haul ( like ppl who try to use it for quitting smoking) I suggest, that sometimes it works, for some people…just like any other therapy. 🙂
        Like any psychological and physical addiction–one has to peel off the layers and find the root cause and address those first. In addition, along with cognitive therapy to change the dysfunctional behaviour–and thats a complicated process. But again…one size does NOT fit all.

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